Religion plays a central role in Moroccan culture, influencing not only spiritual beliefs and practices, but also values, customs and social norms. Morocco is a Muslim-majority country , and Islam is the state religion. However, the practice of Islam in Morocco is unique due to the integration of local traditions and varied cultural influences.
Sufism is a form of Islamic mysticism that is particularly influential in Morocco. Sufism emphasizes spirituality, asceticism and the quest for union with God. Sufi brotherhoods, such as the Qadiriya and Boutchichiya brotherhoods, play an important role in the religious and social life of Moroccans. These brotherhoods organizespiritual gatherings, chants (dhikr) and ritual dances (hadra) to reinforce faith and social cohesion. Zaouïas (Sufi centers) are places of prayer and meditation, as well as centers of religious education.
Ramadan is the holy month of fasting for Muslims, and in Morocco it is observed with particular devotion. During Ramadan, Moroccans fast from dawn to dusk, abstaining from food, drink and other worldly pleasures. Evenings are devoted to prayer, reading the Koran, and family meals. Ramadan is a period of spiritual purification, solidarity and charity. The end of Ramadan is celebrated with Eid al-Fitr, a holiday marked by special prayers, charitable giving and feasting.
Religious holidays play a central role in Moroccan culture. In addition to Eid al-Fitr, Eid al-Adha, or Feast of Sacrifice, is one of the most important Muslim festivals. It commemorates the sacrifice of Abraham and is marked by the sacrifice of an animal (sheep, goat or cow), prayers and family feasting. Mawlid, the celebration of the birth of the Prophet Muhammad, is also observed with prayers, religious songs and processions.
Sharia (Islamic law) also influences laws and social practices in Morocco. Although Morocco has a modern legal system, Sharia law is applied in areas such as marriage, divorce and inheritance. Islamic courts deal with family and religious matters, based on Sharia principles.
However, the practice of Islam in Morocco is marked by a certain religious tolerance and respect for diversity. Morocco is home to religious minorities, including Christian and Jewish communities, who live in peace and practice their faith freely. This tolerance reflects Moroccan values of hospitality, mutual respect and peaceful coexistence.