Morocco has become a world leader in sustainable development and renewable energies. Aware of the environmental issues at stake, the country is committed to reducing its dependence on fossil fuels and promoting clean energies. Today, Morocco is often cited as an example to follow in the field of renewable energies, thanks in particular to its massive investments in solar and wind power.
The Noor solar power plant in Ouarzazate is one of the most emblematic projects in this strategy. Inaugurated in 2016, the plant is one of the largest in the world. It testifies to Morocco’ s commitment to exploiting its solar potential. Thanks to its favorable climatic conditions, Morocco enjoys exceptional sunshine all year round, making it an ideal location for the development of solar energy.
In addition to solar energy, Morocco is also banking on wind power. The country has built several wind farms, notably in Tarfaya and Tangier, which make a significant contribution to green electricity production. Morocco’s objective is to reach 52% renewable energies in its energy mix by 2030, an ambitious but achievable challenge.
The development of renewable energies in Morocco has also had a positive impact on the economy. It has created thousands of jobs in the energy sector, while attracting foreign investors. What’s more, it reduces the country’s energy bill by reducing dependence on imported oil and gas.
However, despite this progress, Morocco still faces a number of challenges, particularly in terms of infrastructure and access to energy in rural areas. Nevertheless, the progress made so far shows that Morocco is well on the way to becoming a model for energy transition in Africa and the world.